For the Gospel Podcast
For the Gospel, with Costi Hinn, provides sound doctrine for everyday people through topical teaching, special guest interviews, and listener Q&As. This podcast will inspire you to grow in truth and live for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
For the Gospel Podcast
3 Keys to Being Kind
Kindness seems to be in short supply today, evident in everything from online arguments to road rage and church divisions. As Christians, this is a problem because kindness is a fruit of the Spirit, and its scarcity means we're not reflecting Christ’s work in our lives. In this episode, Costi Hinn shares three keys to cultivating kindness, helping us develop healthy hearts and live out this essential Christian quality.
Order Costi's newest book “The Farmer Who Chose to Plant Kindness”: https://www.amazon.com/Farmer-Chose-Kindness-Fruit-Spirit/dp/0736987509